Housing estate Bacieczki V

Quarter of building development with blocks of flats „Bacieczki V”

Location: BiaƂystok, Z. Herberta Street

Area: 4.919 m²

Project: 2007

Authors: Anna Pszonak, Bogdan Pszona,k Joanna Krysiewicz, Leszek Sakowicz

Honorable mention in the architecture competition

The aim if this project was designing a complex of building estate that provides the feeling of neighborhood community and is open onto the surrounding of mostly green areas. The buildings development is formed in a shape of two horseshoes open between each other and onto the south. In order to get a clear division of public and private spaces, the punctures were closed with the hanging solids. The interiors of quarters are filled with greenery and driveways to the individual garages were leveled to the terrain.

Architecture was limited to the minimum. Simple and compact form of the building, reduced detail, window classification and simple functional and construction arrangement were supposed to lower the cost of the investment. The leading part on the elevations is played by the rhythm of window openings based on 90 cm modulus and moved in a few points by a half of measure. Places of access to the quarter’s insides were emphasized - hanging from two sides and extended landing of the outside staircase–through distinction with the material and color.
