First prize in the competition for the urban and architectural concept of Ostrowiecki Brewery of Culture in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski
Honorable mention in competition for the urban and architectural concept of Centrum Obsługi Odwiedzających Państwowe Muzeum Auschwitz – Birkenau in Oświ ęcim(Tourist Center for Visiting the National Museum Auschwitz – Birkenau) in cooperation with Atelier Loegler
Architektura&Biznes 12/2010 In the shadow of extermination (W cieniu zagłady) Project of Tourist Center for Visiting the National Museum Auschwitz – Birkenau in Oświęcim
Architecture info: Ostrowiecki Brewery of Culture in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski
Sztuka Architektury: Levitating crucile of culture (Lewitująca tygiel kultury)
Architecture&Biznes 10/2010: With coffee across the road (Z kawą przez jezdnię) Land use project for the Three Crosses Square in Warsaw
Arch #2 July/August 2010: Tourist Center for Visiting the National Museum Auschwitz – Birkenau
Architecture et Artibus numero 2/2010: Criteria for assessing housing with high-density building development on the example of the study on program and spatial land use of Bison-Bial S.A. terrain at Łąkowa 3 Street in Bialystok
Honorable mention in competition for urban and architectural concept of campus at the University of Bialystok at Ciołkowskiego Street- in cooperation with Arkon Jan Kabac
Honorable mention in competition for urban and architectural concept of a library building at Bialystok University of Technology including the land use concept for the area of two streets: Zwierzyniecka Street an Świerkowa Street in Bialystok in cooperation with Atelier Loegler
SARP Bulletin 6,7,8/2008- Library of Bialystok University of Technology
Young people to Łódź (Młodzi do Łodzi)- A national meeting for young architects: discussions and exhibition titled Who Are We (Kim Jesteśmy)
Exhibition of professional achievements of employees from the Department of Architectural Design at Faculty of Architecture at Bialystok University of Technology- Bialystok
Honorable mention in a competition for an architectural concept project of Library of Science of Technics at Wroclaw University of Technology- in cooperation with Atelier Loegler
Honorable mention in a competition for the land use concept of the quarter of a building development of blocks of flats “Bacieczki V” in Białystok
Second Prize in a competition for the architectural concept of a multilevel garage “Okęcie” in Sanok- Second Edition